
Paris Hilton Latest News

Socialite PARIS HILTON is so determined to travel to Rwanda, she has arranged to visit the country next year. The Simple Life star was due to make a charity visit to the African nation with members of the Playing For Good Foundation next month (Nov07), and shoot scenes for a new reality TV show, but charity leaders have been forced to put the trip on hold. But Hilton is still determined to make the trip and use her celebrity status for good causes. She says, "I want to travel the world. I feel like there's a lot I can do, and a lot I can do to help. "We were supposed to be going in November, but then the charity is doing restructuring and figuring things out. It's going to be for next year. "I know (Rwanda) went through a lot of traumatic experiences, and I feel like if I go there, I can help save some people's lives."

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